Personal message from the owner:
Hi, my name is Rafael and I’ll be your guide through the website. I really wanted this website to be somewhat different. Many times we have before us a very professional company, website or brochure, but usually very impersonal. We wanted you to know that we are as professional as can be but at the same time we will always offer the personal attention that you deserve and that’s my promise to you.
I’d like to emphasize that with very few exceptions all of the pictures of the different buildings are projects that we have taken care of. Once a lady asked me, “How far North would you go to do a job?”, and I answered “Canada”, because as you’ll see through the website we have taken care of residential and commercial projects locally, National chains on a State level such as TGI Fridays, McDonalds, the Governor’s residence in Montserrat to very large projects in the Dominican Republic. As you’ll find, we have been very, very blessed and hope to add you to our portfolio and list of satisfied customers.
I guess you can say that our company is one of those success stories that you hear about, you know the one that started out of the garage of the house (I did), that only had $500 to start with (that was it), but had a lot of faith and confidence (and yes, I did); thus the reason for the company being called Confianza, which actually means “confidence” in Spanish.

We have been in business for over 28 years offering residential, commercial and government property protection against heat, theft and vandalism as well as saving them money. During these 28 years, I have been honored to serve as a Director of the International Window Film Association, Instructor for the Architectural Association (AIA) and am a founding member of 3M’s Advisory Board for the window film division.
Our Team
I just can’t tell you how proud I am of our team. In fact every time we walk into a home we emphasize the fact that our installers are truly our installers. Testimony to that is that our head installer, Ulises, has been with us for 24 years. Believe you me, in our industry and sadly enough in almost any industry today, that’s almost unheard of. Our other installers have also been with us for many years. I believe that truly sets us apart because most other companies will automatically send a stranger to your home based on commission only and quality control is never the same.
We have now added Enrique de la Pezuela, Mr. de la Pezuela an expert in architectural issues and our new major accounts manager another team member who values integrity honesty and family.
And last but not least on almost every sales call I go to the customer will start by saying what a nice lady I have at the office and then of course I’ll start raving about how wonderful, beautiful, professional, nice, attractive and by the time they give me a weird look I let them know that that’s exactly why I married her.